Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dog Houses

A dog house is essentially a small shed which is built into a shape of a little house with a triangular roof. It is the shelter to which the dog runs into for safety from either the natural elements or when he feels he is at risk. Dog houses are made primarily with wood which are treated to keep parasite infestation at bay. But did you know that dog houses have their own history, too?

The History of Dog Houses:

Dog Collars

Dogs have always been popular companions of men even during the years 4500 BC. Egyptians are just one of the known people who domesticated dogs and built them their own homes. Dogs enjoy an esteemed position as pets and hunting partners even during that time. Others were considered messenger of the gods. Egyptians used to build kennels made of mud and brick for the dogs. These kennels are the first recorded dog houses in history.

Materials Used in Building Dog Houses:

Wood is the prevalent material used for building dog houses over the years. Wood is readily available, is low costing, has great insulating capabilities and has good structural reliability. Plastic dog houses became available during the 1960's. These plastic dog houses are portable and can be transferred from one place in the house to another. Designs also range from the simple replica of a small house to extravagant castle designs. This really is a far cry from the first mud and brick kennels of before!

Whatever the materials used to make the house, the function is the same - to keep the dog warm and sheltered away from the elements. It is important that the dog does not overheat and you should provide water and food for him as appropriate.

Dog Houses

Thanks To : 3G Tablet PayDay loans 32 Inch TV

Monday, March 26, 2012

Portable Dog Fences

If you are a dog fanatic and you can't seem to control your energetic dog from running around the backyard, you might consider getting a portable dog fence for his ultimate safety. You can have all the fun with your dog and allow him to triple his enjoyment at any time of the day while getting secured. His safety and yours must be on top of the priority list. He can even savor travelling by tagging him along with you for a joy ride without having to worry that he might rumble or mess up at the back of your pick-up truck. If he's in the backseat, he doesn't get to distract you as he's enclosed in his movable fence.

A portable dog fence is supposed to keep your dog limit his movements so that no harm awaits him. Your dog is likely to behave as he enjoys his joy ride with you, thereby keeping you focused on your driving, instead of him distracting your attention. Dogs are not to be permitted in moving noisily inside a moving car. In the first place, it is illegal and unlikely. Besides, you are putting your road safety at risk if you let him go off without fencing him in. The dog run or fence doesn't only secure him in place in the car but you can also take it wherever you want him near you. You can have it by the beach with you as you sunbathe or perhaps put him at the yard while you cut the grass.

Dog Collars

Your dog has tendencies of getting overactive and unstoppably curious. This means he will like to stroll around. That should be a concern because he might let loose of his inhibitions to cross the roads which might endanger him. Also, when you're camping into the wild, your dog must be kept off danger from wild animal invasion by enclosing him in a portable dog fence. A fence with electric wireless fence is seen to be more secured by a few dog owners. This type of fence is perfect when you want to take your dog along for long trips. Those who don't opt to put up an ordinary fence and go through the hassle of putting up a wire system below the ground would prefer an electric type of fence as well.

A standard electric portable dog fence comprises a transmitter plus a collar with built-receiver that shall be attached to your dog's neck. If you desire that your dog can practically stroll around a larger space, you can secure more than one transmitter. In this case, you're allowing your dog to trot securely from one spot to another. Before purchasing the best fence type, you must hear out what the manufacturer and the experts have to say.

Portable Dog Fences

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Part 1 - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (Chs 01-07)

Part 1 - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (Chs 01-07) Video Clips. Duration : 155.78 Mins.

Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Ruth Golding. Playlist for Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë:

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Visit : Hotel in Thai PayDay loans Pattaya Hotels 32 Inch TV

Saturday, March 24, 2012



Bill O'Reilly (FOX News) interviewed Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, on March 25, 2008 to promote CESAR'S SPECIAL EPISODE of THE DOG WHISPERER: "LIVES CHANGED - MEET THE PEOPLE WHOSE LIVES HAVE BEEN FOREVER CHANGED BY HAVING BEEN ON THE DOG WHISPERER SERIES." The SPECIAL aired on the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL on March 30, 2008 (check your local Cable/TV listings for re-runs). For more Information on the DOG WHISPERER, visit CESAR MILLAN's Website: and and on YOUTUBE: And pleeease: "DON'T BUY, DON'T BREED, ADOPT A DOG IN NEED!'

Keywords: Dogs, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Psychology, Dog, Whisperer, Bill, O'Reilly, Factor, Fox, News, Cesar, Millan, National, Geographic, Pit, Bull

Recommend : งานเชียงใหม่ 32 Inch TV

Friday, March 23, 2012

Help, My Dog is Vomiting

Vomiting in dogs is a very common occurrence and can arise from a wide variety of causes, from simple gastritis to complex diseases of other body systems. Not only is it very distressing for both the dog and owner, it also provides a challenge for the veterinarian. This article explains the multiple causes of vomiting in dogs, including adverse food reactions, and the range of treatment options available.

What is vomiting?

Dog Collars

Vomiting is the expulsion of food, fluid or debris from the stomach or small intestine due to coordinated movements of the gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It is important to differentiate this from regurgitation, which is a passive process rather than a coordinated effort like vomiting.

Regurgitation is a sign of disease in the esophagus, such as obstructions (foreign bodies such as a stick, bone or toy, or a stricture), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) or megaesophagus (dilatation of the esophagus due to weakening of the smooth muscle). The main difference between regurgitation and vomiting is that regurgitation is effortless, while vomiting is accompanied by strong abdominal contractions.

How can I tell vomiting and regurgitation apart?

Sometimes this is not easy to do. Generally speaking, if it happens immediately after eating it is more likely to be regurgitation (though vomiting can still occur then). If the content of the material expelled appears to be completely undigested food, this also supports regurgitation. If the presence of bile can be confirmed though, it is more likely to be vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

The most common causes of vomiting are dietary related, either through dietary indiscretion (e.g. overeating, eating overly rich or spoiled food) which causes acute (sudden) vomiting, or adverse food reactions (food allergies) which can cause chronic (long term and intermittent) vomiting.

However, there are a huge number of other causes arising from either the gastrointestinal system itself (stomach and small intestine) or secondary to disease elsewhere in the body (e.g. liver or kidney disease). Within the stomach, possible causes include:

1. Gastritis (inflammatory disease)

2. Stomach ulceration

3. Stomach cancer

4. Obstruction (foreign bodies, telescoping of intestine)

5. Hiatal hernia (part stomach herniating through the diaphragm)

Possible causes within the intestine include:

1. Infectious diseases (e.g. parvovirus)

2. Worms

3. Inflammatory bowel disease

4. Intestinal cancer

Secondary causes of vomiting that are due to disease elsewhere in the body include:

1. Pancreatitis (infection or inflammation of the pancreas)

2. Peritonitis (infection in the abdominal cavity)

3. Hepatitis (liver inflammation)

4. Kidney failure

5. Pyometra (infection of the uterus)

6. Hormonal deficiencies or excesses (e.g. Addisons disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Septicemia, Calcium imbalance)

Other potential causes that do not fit into the above categories are drug reactions (e.g. digoxin, chemotherapy drugs, NSAIDs) and neurological disorders.

Treatment of vomiting

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in itself. Whether or not treatment is appropriate depends upon the individual circumstances. If the dog is only vomiting occasionally, is bright and otherwise normal on examination, treatment is probably not necessary. Some dogs with sensitive digestive systems will vomit once or twice a month regardless of any treatment, and if they are otherwise well this should be ignored.

For acute vomiting cases, the first step should always be to starve the dog for 24 hours (while keeping plenty of water available ad lib). After the period of starvation, the dog should be offered small portions of a very bland food, such as chicken and boiled rice, for a few days. Meals should be fed as smaller portions several times a day, rather than one larger meal.

Though treating the symptom itself will often improve patient demeanor and comfort, it is no replacement for making a correct diagnosis of the underlying cause, and certain drugs can be harmful if given blindly (for example, giving metoclopromide to a dog with a gastric or intestinal obstruction). Certainly cases of acute and severe vomiting require immediate treatment, as dogs can become rapidly dehydrated, develop electrolyte imbalances and aspiration pneumonia otherwise.

Managing the vomiting dog

There are 2 goals when dealing with a vomiting dog:

1. Identify the underlying cause

2. Stop the vomiting in a safe and effective manner

In many cases, anti emetic therapy (the technical term for vomiting is emesis, and therefore drugs used to treat it are called anti emetics) is instigated immediately while the cause is being established.

A veterinarian will start by taking a full history, focusing especially on normal diet, recent medication, vaccination status and the description of the symptoms. He or she must first make sure that the dog is genuinely vomiting and not regurgitating, which has a completely different set of underlying causes. It is also important to get a graphic description of the material expelled, and whether it contained bile, fresh blood or what appears to be coffee granules (partly digested blood).

The next step is a full clinical examination, including carefully feeling the abdomen, taking the dogs rectal temperature and assessing the hydration status. Once this is completed, a veterinarian will have a slightly narrowed down list of differential diagnoses in mind. If the dog is not dehydrated, bright in demeanor, and both vital parameters and feeling the abdomen were normal, the veterinarian will often (and rightly so) make a presumptive diagnosis of gastritis, or gastroenteritis if diarrhea is present too, and prescribe antibiotics to combat the likely bacterial infection. The owner is then likely to be sent home with instructions to starve the dog for 24hrs and give bland food for a few days, alongside the antibiotics. The owner is instructed to monitor the dog closely, and return immediately if there are any signs of deterioration, or 2 to 3 days later for a routine check up.

If there are any findings in the clinical history or the physical examination that trigger concern, then further tests are necessary. The first of these is usually blood tests for hematology and biochemistry profiles. Urine and feces may also be analysed, the latter for either nasty bacteria or parasites. Additional laboratory tests may be required in certain circumstances, such as bile acid stimulation testing if liver dysfunction is suspected, or an ACTH stimulation test to look for adrenal disease.

The next stage of the work up involves imaging. The most useful is abdominal radiography (xrays), but ultrasonography and endoscopy can also be very important. Radiography and endoscopy both have to be carried out under general anesthesia, while ultrasonography can be performed conscious. If the imaging does not reveal the underlying cause then biopsies may be taken, either endoscopically guided or via exploratory surgery. Histopathology of these samples (studying the tissue microscopically) can give vital clues as to the cause, particularly by differentiating between inflammation and cancer.

The final diagnostic option is the therapeutic trial. If the dog gets better on the medication prescribed, then it must have been a certain type of disease that responds to that drug. By this rationale, wormers, antibiotics or an exclusion diet trial may be chosen.

Drugs used in the treatment of vomiting

1. Stomach protectants and antacids

These medications are useful when stomach ulceration is suspected. Examples include sucralfate (acts like a band aid over the ulcer), H2 antagonists (reduce acid production) and omeprazole (also reduces acidity).

2. Metoclopromide

This drug blocks a neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine, which prevents activation of the vomiting centre in the brain (known as the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone). It is only partially effective in doing this though, and has the additional effect of increasing forward motility of the gut. This means it must never be given to dogs that might have a stomach or intestinal obstruction. It can also cause mental changes such as hyperactivity and disorientation.

3. Phenothiazines (e.g. Acepromazine, ACP)

These are effective at blocking the dopamine receptors mentioned above, in addition to other receptors involved in the vomiting reflex. They are usually used when metoclopromide has failed, but also have undesirable side effects such as low blood pressure and sedation.

4. Antihistamines

Histamine receptors are also present in the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone, the part of the brain that controls the vomiting reflex. Antihistamines are effective in blocking vomiting that is due to motion sickness, but are little use against other causes.

5. Domperidone

Domperidone has a similar action to metoclopromide in that it blocks dopamine receptors and secondarily blocks serotonin receptors, but it does not have the promotility effects of metoclopromide. However, side effects include vulval enlargement and possible effects on fertility.

6. Maropitant

This is a new drug that is a Neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor antagonist. It can be given orally or by injection, and is extremely effective at stopping vomiting by working both on the vomiting centre in the brain and on the stomach itself. It is deemed so effective at stopping vomiting that veterinarians must be careful to properly investigate potentially dangerous underlying causes, that could be masked fatally by this drug.

Help, My Dog is Vomiting

Friends Link : Pattaya Hotels 32 Inch TV

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Choke Chain Essentials

Choke Chain Essentials Video Clips. Duration : 1.90 Mins.

The much maligned training collar, commonly called a choke chain, must fit the dog properly to achieve safety and the desired result. When the chain fits properly, it should not be easily pulled off of the dog's head. There is a secret trick to the removing of the chain which includes a face-lift for the pooch.

Keywords: choke, chain, dog, training, problems, behavior, puppy

Tags : Pattaya Hotels PayDay loans 32 Inch TV

B's Dog Training: Walking without a leash

B's Dog Training: Walking without a leash Video Clips. Duration : 1.32 Mins.

Zeke has full attention on where he needs to be at all times. Zeke is trained to work with or without the sitmeanssit by sportdog correction collar. In this video the device is being used to show everyone how it can be used in a safe and appropriate manner. A great harmless communication device used all over the world. For more information on this device, check out the website

Tags: without, a, leash, dog, zeke, training

Tags : PayDay loans 32 Inch TV

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sigmund do you like Bailey?

Sigmund do you like Bailey? Tube. Duration : 0.97 Mins.

Sigmund gets exposed to random dogs. Daily 1-3 times a day. His reaction has improved. Correction method remote collar scale 2 of 11. (If needed)


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dog Years - How Old is My Dog?

How old is your dog in dog years? If he is 15 years old, does that mean he is 105? Based on the idea that a dog ages seven years for every regular calendar year, that's right. The problem with that is that is not accurate. In fact, there is no real set standard for how many years a dog ages because as the dog gets older, the ratio for how old he gets changes. The idea may help you try to estimate based on your dog's developmental skills how old they are in their middle ages, but overall it doesn't make sense.

The concept of dog years is a way for us to relate how your old your dog is in relation to people years. Based on the 7-year scale, a 5-year old dog may be about 35 years old in people years. They could be developing similar aging that a 35-year old person experiences, so that can be considered accurate. Using the same scale, a dog that is a year and a half is about 10-years old. The problem behind that is while most dogs at that age are fully developed to reproduce, most 10-year old boys and girls are not.

Dog Collars

Is there an easy way to find out how old your dog is? Yes and no. There isn't a set standard that can give you one definitive answer. One chart will tell you your 12-month old dog is 15-years old in people years, while another will say the same 12-month old dog is only 10.5-years old. A 15-year old dog is 76-years old according to one chart, while another chart says in relation that the dog is really in his late 80s.

So, how old is your dog? The best way to really understand is to talk with your local veterinarian. Each dog, like people, ages differently. A 35-year old man may find himself one morning losing all his hair, while a 64-year old man may still have every flowing lock he's ever had. Dogs are the same way. Perhaps the dog is sick, so he aged quicker. Or his upbringing on certain foods or training has added more life. The different breeds of dogs are also a factor to consider. But the idea that a dog is 7 dog years for every 1 people year is not a reliable standard.

Dog Years - How Old is My Dog?

Visit : Hotel in Thai Pattaya Hotels เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา 32 Inch TV

Monday, March 19, 2012

5 Affordable Tips for Building an Outdoor Dog Kennel

Not all dogs are inside dogs. Some dog owners choose to let their pets live outside. Living outside without a safe, weather proofed, spacious living area is not only dangerous it can be down right miserable for your dog.

In this article we'll discuss five ways to build your own outdoor dog kennel without breaking the bank to provide your dog with an enjoyable, safe, weather proofed, outdoor living area.

Dog Collars

We have a lot to cover so let's dive right in...

Tip #1: Semi-Homemade Dog Kennel

Many dog owners have found it more cost effective to build onto a smaller pre-made outdoor dog kennel.

Think of it like an addition to your dog's house.

If you plan it correctly starting out with a smaller kennel then adding on by building on to the kennel can save you money in the long run.

Tip #2: Use Alternate Materials

As far as I know you don't have to use chain link or steel to build an outdoor dog kennel.

Other alternative materials are PVC, wood, and chicken wire.

Use your creativity and look around professional kennels to get ideas for your own kennel system.

Tip #3: Pre-plan for Space and Growth

Giving your dog enough room to move around and get some exercise during the day is essential to a good outdoor dog kennel set up.

Pre-plan and pre-define how much space you want to use so you know how much material you will need to effectively cover that space.

The best set ups allow the dog 20-30 feet of running room and are 10-20 feet in width.

Tip #4: Use Nylon Panels to Create Walls

If you decide to use chain link fencing to build your kennel getting some nylon panels for walls and a roof is an affordable weather proofing solution.

Nylon panels can be washed, they are breathable, and they provide protection from the sun and block the wind better than an open chain link design.

Tip #5: Designing a Cost Effective Roof

You will find there as many options for putting a roof on your kennel as there are for what to build a kennel out of.

Three proven roof solutions that are both effective and affordable are:

a) Plywood

b) Tarp

c) Canvas

In the end your outdoor dog kennel set up should be able to withstand the elements, provide your dog a safe place to sleep (adding a dog house is a good idea), keep your dog safe from strangers and other animals, and unable to escape. We don't want our best friend to get hit by a car or some other accident.

5 Affordable Tips for Building an Outdoor Dog Kennel

Tags : PayDay loans Patong Hotel Phuket 32 Inch TV

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dog Training Collars & Leashes : Dog Training Collars

Dog Training Collars & Leashes : Dog Training Collars Tube. Duration : 1.17 Mins.

There are a variety of dog training collars on the market all designed to do different things. Learn more about dog training collars withtips from a dog trainer in this free pet care video. Expert: Donna Bainter Contact: Bio: Donna Bainter has been a feline and canine behavior trainer since 2000. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Keywords: dogs, pet care, dog training, dog collars, dog leashes, obedience training, dog care

Thanks To : Patong Hotel Phuket PayDay loans เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา 32 Inch TV

Saturday, March 17, 2012

La Classe Operaia va in Paradiso

La Classe Operaia va in Paradiso Tube. Duration : 110.63 Mins.

Keywords: La, Classe, Operaia, va, in, Paradiso, AVI

Recommend : Hotel in Thai 32 Inch TV

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Make Your Dog a Dress

If you have some rudimentary sewing skills it can be a real cost saver to make a dog dress on your own. Even if you do not have the sewing skills but want to learn, making your own dress from a pattern can be a rewarding experience that can bring you and your dog together as you share in the wonderful dress making process. There are a ton of resources out there, some of them being free, that will provide you with step by step instructions on how to fit your dog for a lovely dress.

Here is just a brief overview of the process:

Dog Collars

Measuring Your Dog
In order to get a good fit for the dress that you make you are going to need to take your dog's measurements. The most important measurement is the length of the dog. To get this, simply place a measuring take from the base of your pups neck to the base of their tail, using their back bone as your guide. If you are in the United States this measurement is going to be in inches and if you are in Europe and the rest of the world it is going to be in centimeters.

Making sure that you get the length measurement right is really important to a good fit for your dog.

The next two measurements that you want to take are of the neck and chest. These are pretty easy to measure and are done so much like you would do on a human. Take your measuring tape and wrap it loosely around the base of your dog's neck. For the chest measurement should be made at the largest part of the chest, which is usually found immediately behind the front legs.

Finding Good Patterns
Being able to find a good pattern to use to make your dog dress is only going to be difficult because there are so many different choices out there. I would suggest starting on the internet since there is a large amount of free information available there for those interested in finding it.

If that fails you, you could go to a local pet boutique and see if they have any patterns or have a catalog where patterns may be found.

Costs of Dress Making
If money it tight, then knowing the costs associated with making a dress for your dog is going to be important. You will have to pay for fabric, thread, any needles you need, and a strip of Velcro. Most sewers will already have this so for them it is going to cost them nothing!

Making a dog dress for your pet is a fun and rewarding activity that will give you great memories and make your pet look wonderful.

How to Make Your Dog a Dress

Friends Link : เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา Pattaya Hotels 32 Inch TV

West Highland Terrier Puppies

West Highland Terrier Puppies Video Clips. Duration : 1.42 Mins.

UPDATE: My Third Wonderful dog Shadow passed away December 21st, 2007 She was hit by a car. She was my baby and a best friend for many years and will never be forgotten I love you and Miss you Shadow. My Family's West Highland Terrier puppies Angus and Maddie they are about to turn one pretty soon! Correction: The Picture that says Angus is Maddie the two after that are indeed Angus sorry for the mix up I threw the video together too fast.

Tags: west, highland, terriers, puppies, dogs, pets, lovable, RIP, death, small

Friends Link : Hotel in Thai 32 Inch TV

Thursday, March 15, 2012

PetSafe PRF-3004W In Ground Fence Review

PetSafe PRF-3004W In Ground Fence Review Video Clips. Duration : 3.83 Mins.

Review of the PetSafe PRF-3004W Dog Fence, by The entry level system from PetSafe, the PRF-3004W is a reliable system with an excellent base station. However, the collar with only a single correction level imposes significant limitations on the system.

Tags: prf-3004w, petsafe in ground, petsafe prf-3004w

Tags : Pattaya Hotels เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา 32 Inch TV

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Perfect Dog - Qualities to Look For

Finding the perfect dog is something everybody wants to do (and a surprising number of people think they do), and although just about everybody thinks their pooch is perfect, there are certainly some that are better behaved than others. While much of what makes a dog "perfect" is subjective, such as looks, some aspects of their personality are universally regarded as good and others bad. In this short article, we'll look at what makes a good dog, a bad dog, and a perfect dog.

There are some qualities that are inherent in dogs, and cannot be trained away. Some of these are bad, and some are good. Examples of natural good qualities include a physical fortitude, friendliness both towards people (especially children!) and other dogs, and a desire to please. These natural qualities are dictated by a number of different factors, and although they vary from dog to dog, you can get a general idea of how a dog will be from its breed and, if it has any, personal history. The perfect dog will have lots of qualities that are naturally positive.

Dog Collars

Bad qualities can also be inherent or trained, and poor qualities to avoid in dogs include a poor temperament (which includes behavior such as growling, raising hackles, or other aggressive actions), super-dominant behavior, overly needy or spoiled behavior, and destructive tendencies. All of these can throw a household into disarray, and some dogs can cause serious damage to objects or harm to people. The perfect dog minimizes these qualities.

Good qualities can also be trained, however, and training can reduce the bad qualities. In fact, many poor qualities in dogs are a result of a poor social upbringing, and if you find a dog you like that shows some of these negative qualities, giving a shot at positive reinforcement and a little tender love and care might not be a bad idea. Knowing when to give up on a dog is important, though, because while this is a very difficult thing to do, it can be a long-term frustration to try and train an un-trainable dog. The perfect dog is, ideally, a combination of good natural qualities and trained positive behavior, with as much mitigation as possible of negative tendencies. Finding this dog isn't impossible, and we aren't saying there's more than one, but striving to have your dog be perfect is a fine goal to strive for.

Perfect Dog - Qualities to Look For

Related : Hotel in Thai 32 Inch TV

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sasha's first AKC Rally Advanced Leg

Sasha's first AKC Rally Advanced Leg Tube. Duration : 2.60 Mins.

"Sasha" Don't Tread on Me, RN has now earned her first leg towards her Advanced title. A few problems, but for her first competition off leash, she did well. Sasha is a German Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix. I train her in Search and Rescue and obedience. I use a mix of mostly positive reinforcement, with corrections consisting of an e-collar and prong.

Keywords: AKC, GSD, Working, Sable, Dogs, Agility, Puppy, Rally, Raw, Fed, Training, Border, Shepherd, Retriever, Collie, Terrier, Labrador, SAR, Arizona

Related : PayDay loans เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา 32 Inch TV

Monday, March 12, 2012

Dog Training Shock Collars

Dog Training Shock Collars Video Clips. Duration : 1.77 Mins. for free electronic dog shock collar training and how to safely use and electric dog collar. You'll find e-collars safe and easy to use with these training techniques.

Tags: electronic, dog shock, collar, shock, dog training, electric, dog collar, training, e-collar, dogs train, collars

Visit : Pattaya Hotels งานเชียงใหม่ 32 Inch TV

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hot Deals Dogtra Super X 2 Dog Training Collar

Dogtra Super X 2 Dog Training Collar

Dogtra Super X 2 Dog Training Collar Specification

  • Precise stimulation level (0-27), 1 mile range
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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dog Dominance Behavior - Need Help to Break Dog Possessiveness?

In our series of articles on Dog Dominance Behavior, we explain various forms of dog instinctive behaviors, such as aggression dog dominance and possessive dog behaviors, and what to do about them. All such bad dog behaviors relate to each other and to dog pack instincts -- the inborn drive for dog dominance and high position in the pack. Dog food aggression and dog possessiveness of a bone or favorite toy are among the most common expressions of dominance aggression in dogs, of the dog's quest for control.

These are potentially very serious and can develop or intensify when dog possessive behaviors are not corrected. Many of us have experienced the painful results ... So let's explore how to break dog possessiveness with an example...

Dog Collars

My hand was bleeding profusely from two puncture wounds that had been inflicted almost instantly by the defiant little one, aggressively testing the waters. I held the scruff of her neck firmly and snatched a Kleenex with the other hand.

She growled. I allowed her to release a little tension before I made a demand again. (I did not want to cause escalation.) I did not back away, nor did I let go of her scruff. I did not request of her again until she released herself from that high tension level.

The pup then dropped the bone. I blocked her from it and claimed it as MINE. She tried to bite again. I held her firmly until she yielded.

I never let go of a dog when it is tense. Tension creates fear or feeds dog aggression -- and either can lead to a nasty bite!

The pup was again calm. I placed the bone in front of her and corrected her with a pack bite when she touched it. Instinctively, she understood such corrective pack behavior and ceased her effort.

When she was patient and calm, I gave the bone to her and let her chew on it for a few minutes. Then I took it away again, just to remind her who really ran the show.

Aggression in dogs is not acceptable and must never be encouraged. Some have naively said: "Well, she only does that around her bone."

My reply? "What if the dog will not give you something which may harm her?" Permit dog possessive behavior in one instance, and you encourage it in another when the consequences may be dire!

People are afraid to be bitten and usually back away when a dog shows his teeth. You must not do that. Backing down or catering to him at such times gives him power and serves to reinforce and intensify the problem. It assures that such aggression dog dominance behavior will recur, quite possibly with bloody results for you, the dog, or someone else! Take this seriously.

My dogs have their own toys and food bowls. They have bones and crates. However, I can touch or take anything I want, whenever I want. I am the undisputed Pack Leader, the Alpha, and they defer to me. That makes them feel secure and happy, and gives me a peaceful, loving home.

Dominant dogs have all others in the pack submit to THEIR will. They do not ask the lower ranked ones what they want -- nor should you. Do not let the proverbial tail wag the dog, or you are in for much annoyance, unpleasantness, even nastiness.

If your dog shows possessive dog behavior, consult a professional and learn the technique well. Apply it with consistency, and do not let bared teeth cause you to back down and submit. The long term consequences would be worse than the present challenge. Even the best of us is sometimes bitten!

Dog Dominance Behavior - Need Help to Break Dog Possessiveness?

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Setting Up a PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence

Setting Up a PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Tube. Duration : 4.48 Mins. The Instant Fence Wireless Pet Fence and Pet Containment System offers safety and portability. The Instant Fence Wireless Pet Fence and Pet Containment System was the first wireless pet fencing system. Another in a long list of Firsts from PetSafe. The Wireless Instant Fence offers twice the coverage of any other wireless system on the market so don't be fooled by the imitators. Simple to Operate. If you can plug in a cord, you can install this Wireless Pet Fence! With this innovative, portable system, there are no wires to bury. Just plug the transmitter into an electrical outlet close to the area where you want to contain your pet. The Transmitter communicates with the Receiver on your pet's collar and helps keep him or her in the area you've designated. The system is portable so you can bring it along with you! An unlimited number of pets can be added to the system as long as they wear a PIF-275 Receiver Collar. You temporarily define the containment area with Boundary Flags for a visual aid in training your pet. Your pet wears a Receiver Collar with Contact Points that touch his or her neck and, once trained, he or she is allowed to roam freely in the containment area. When your pet reaches the Boundary Zone, the Receiver Collar gives a warning beep before delivering a safe Static Correction through the Contact Points to get your pet's attention until he or she returns to the containment area.

Keywords: instant pet fence, electric dog fence, pet containment, dog fence, fence company, fences, fence training, electric fence, electronic fence, electronic dog fence

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Superior GPS Microchip For Dogs

We are living in a technology world today, a world where people have needs that they want to be taken care of through technology. Some people have self needs while some have needs for their loved ones. In today's world when people are probably more concerned and caring about the pets than maybe even family members, they want their pets' needs taken care of as well. This growing need of pet lovers gives rise to a demand of some technological solution for pets' safety and security, and GPS microchip technology is born.

For starters, a GPS is a tracking system that uses constellation of satellites orbiting the earth to transmit signals through which the GPS receivers can get their current exact location. The message that is sent from space is directly received by the receivers and then through highly advanced geometrical calculations data in used to calculate the exact location of a user.

Dog Collars

Today a great number of pet lovers, who are really concerned about the safety and wellbeing of their pets, are going for various available options to make sure their pets are well guarded even when not in sight. The growing concern of such pet lovers gives rise to the need for some technological help. GPS-enabled dog collars, microchips and radio tracking collars are already in the market to name a few.

To get a microchip on your dog, you can simply go to a veterinarian, who will do it for an affordable price. And relax, your dog, more of less, won't feel any pain. Also, most microchips are good for 25 years and so there is no concern about needing to change it.

Microchips work on RFID (radio frequency identification) technology with no requirement of battery and/or power supply. Every microchip would have the owner's information scribed in the form of codes along with pet's details such as name, breed and color, etc.

One great misconception in the market about a microchip pet ID system is that it's GPS-enabled. First of all, let's get the basic difference straight. Just understand that a GPS tracker is an active tracking arrangement, through which, you can actually go ahead and TRACK your dog. A microchip, however, is just a passive device that acts more as a short-range reflector. So with a microchip, one has to be physically present with your dog whereas with GPS you could pretty much find your dog from California to China.

Another thing of note here is that the primary objective of something like a GPS-enabled dog collar is to be able to track your pet while a microchip on your dog works more as an ID chip. So, for instance, if your dog is lost and then found, with a microchip, you can go ahead and verify that that's your dog.

So next time you are thinking about getting technological help for your dog's safety, think clearly about what is it that you exactly want from the device and then make an informed decision that meets your needs.

Superior GPS Microchip For Dogs

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Secrets of Dog Training Professionals - Operant Conditioning

Have you ever wondered how really good dog trainers come up with the techniques they use to solve behaviour problems in dogs such as excessive barking, destructive chewing, toileting in the house and jumping up on visitors? Or how top dog trainers come up with ways to train dogs in top obedience and working competitions? Apart from a few "naturals", most really good dog trainers have a very good understanding of how dogs learn. They have adapted theory from the world of behavioural science and turned that knowledge into real-life practical skills for training dogs. This article explains in plain English some of the science and theory behind dog training, these really are secrets of the dog training professionals!

Operant Conditioning is the term that scientists use to describe what dog trainers call "training with consequences". That is, any training that involves a consequence that either reinforces or punishes behavior. There are 4 possible consequence types used in Operant Conditioning, and 1 non-consequence. These are:

Dog Collars

1. Positive Reinforcement: when we give a reward and the behaviour increases or is maintained as a result, we call this positive reinforcement (+R). e.g dog sits when asked, we give a treat. Dog learns to sit when asked in future.

2. Negative Reinforcement: when we take something unpleasant away and the behaviour increases or is maintained as a result, we call this negative reinforcement (-R). e.g we ask dog to sit, pulling up on collar, dog sits, we release pressure from the collar. Dog learns to sit when asked in future.

3. Positive Punishment: when we do something unpleasant and the behaviour is decreased or eliminated as a result, we call this positive punishment (+P). e.g dog goes to investigate kitchen bench for food, we make a sharp noise. Dog learns not to investigate kitchen benches for food in future.

4. Negative Punishment: when we take away something the dog wants or enjoys and the behaviour is decreased or eliminated as a result, we call this negative punishment (-P). e.g dog plays too roughly with another more timid dog, we leash rough dog and remove the opportunity to play. Dog learns not to play too roughly in future.

5. Extinction: when behaviour is no longer reinforced and it eventually goes away, we call this extinction. e.g dog is used to being allowed outside when he whines at the door, but is suddenly no longer allowed out when he whines. Dog learns not to whine at the door. Extinction sometimes makes the target behaviour worse before it gets better, sometimes significantly. This is known as an "extinction burst" and is usually a sign that the behaviour is about to diminish rapidly. In the current example, the dog might whine more often, more loudly, and for longer periods before learning that whining doesn't work for him any more.

Let's examine the terms more closely. Apart from extinction, you will notice four words that can be used in four different combinations. These are "positive", "negative", "reinforcement" and "punishment" and they are technical terms that scientists use when discussing Operant Conditioning.

"Positive" means to add something. We add the reward, or add the punisher. By contrast, "Negative" means to take something away. We take away the reward, or take away the unpleasant stimulus.

"Reinforcement" is when we increase or maintain behaviour. The behaviour happens more often, more intensely, for longer periods, or it continues to happen without reducing in frequency, intensity or duration. By contrast, "Punishment" is when we decrease or eliminate behaviour using consequence. We reduce the frequency, intensity or duration of the behaviour.

A common mistake is to assume that we have reinforced or punished behaviour when in fact in future we discover that the behaviour has not actually been changed! Many dog trainers believe that praise is an effective reinforcer. It may be, for some dogs in some circumstances. The truth is we don't know unless we see the behaviour that earned the praise increase or keep occurring in the future. The same applies to punishment. Yelling at a dog might stop it from going through your rubbish bin while you are there, but does it stop your dog going through the rubbish bin while you're not there? Probably not. A more effective approach is to use a more secure rubbish bin, or put the rubbish bin in a place which is inaccessible to the dog.

For more information, please visit for a Free program and e-book that shows you how to train your own dog, step-by-step, with the help of thousands of others using the very same program to train their own dogs.

Secrets of Dog Training Professionals - Operant Conditioning

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hunting Dog or House Dog?

Many hunters entertain the idea that their prized hunting dog will never be a good hunting dog if he is allowed to step foot in the house. This notion is absurd. Modern hunters of today often miss out on the true companionship that their hunting dog can give to them in the other areas of their life and perhaps in the end, they suffer as much as the dog does from the lack of socialization with their hunting dog who can also be their companion and friend.

It took thousands of years for mankind and canines to develop a partnership. That partnership included the mutual ability to give each other aid and affection. It also built upon the canine's natural watchdog and guarding capabilities and afforded both the human and the dog a sense of companionship and mutual trust. That togetherness also allowed for the dog to learn more and for the human to train the dog more.

Dog Collars

Certainly in the early days of the settling of America the settlers who were lucky enough to have a dog did not dream of sticking him into a pen and leaving him there...the dog was a valuable part of their survival because it could do a great deal to protect the homestead besides being a warm body next to the fireside and helping the hunter to bring home the next meal.

Perhaps the basis of keeping the dog penned except during the hunt came from the traditions established by the nobility of Europe and England when large kennels were the norm for the landowner. Of course it was unfeasible to keep hundreds of dogs in the house. But there was never a time when the Lord of the Manor did not keep his favored hounds in his home with him. The large kennels did a great deal to establish good hunting lines and different breeds, for selective breeding could be more easily accomplished when there were large numbers to choose from for the matings. But the average hunter is not selectively breeding. He has no need at all to keep the dog penned up except during the hunting season.

Apparently there are hunters who believe that allowing a hunting dog to have the run of the house will ruin his nose, deflate his natural hunting instincts, make him fat and lazy and make him become somehow badly mannered and disobedient. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Firstly, the power of the dog's nose to scent comes with it when it is born. The idea that letting him be in the house will help to destroy his scenting ability is ridiculous. Actually the ability to scent well and to discriminate scents is an inborn ability and increases exponentially as the dog learns to distinguish more and more scents, often many of them having nothing at all to do with hunting. It would seem that the more exposure the dog has to a myriad of scents of all kinds would be better than less exposure. Surely when indoor living is also combined with outdoor living there would be more scents involved!

Then there is the idea that living indoors will allow the dog to grow fat and lazy. Here again, the exact opposite is true. A do who is with his humans will get up and follow his master, will roam the grounds with his master, will investigate his household environment and be more stimulated to activity than a dog who is penned in a 10 by 12 foot area day after endless day with no stimulation to make him want to get up and move. Furthermore if a dog happens to have the good fortune to live with someone who is even minimally healthy and likes to walk and get outside, there is just naturally more of a willingness for the human to take the dog along when he is right there by his side and not stuck in a pen out in the back forty. Also the question of his weight has to do with how much he is fed regardless of where he is living. The wise owner will regulate the dog's consumption of calories, giving him more during the hunting season and less when he is not hunting.

But the single most important reason, which I have not yet touched upon, for the dog to live with his hunting companion and master in the house, has to do with the dog's capability to learn more effectively when it is coupled with the desire to please his master. A dog who is bonded to his master is a dog that will try harder and accomplish more than a dog who is not motivated to learn, is not trustful of his human companion, is distracted by the joy of being out of the pen more than he is wants to be trained. In short, a dog who is allowed to be a pet is a dog that is much more ready to be trained and has much more opportunity to learn than a dog who is shunted away into a pen and forgotten about between hunting seasons.

Hunting Dog or House Dog?

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dog Clothes Patterns

Dog clothes are available in a variety of styles and patterns - all the latest fashions in the canine world. Body suits, beach wear, jackets, loungewear, shirts, t-shirts and sweaters are some of the more popular dog clothes. You can even get footwear and novelty outfits like sports, halloween, tuxedos, and so on. This list is just as endless as the list for human clothes! All this apparel is available in a variety of colors, fabrics, and patterns. Corduroy, faux fur, sequin, and tartan are some of the commonly used fabrics for dog clothes.

You will find a number of dog clothes pattern books available on the market. Crocheting, knitting and sewing dog clothes patterns are popular methods in making the clothes. You can either follow the patterns yourself (if you know what you are doing) or you can pay a pet clothing tailor to do the work for you and ensure the proper fit. Of course, if you do it yourself, you get full control over the types of details you would like on your dog clothes. Choose the option that works best for you.

Dog Collars

Vests, scarves, sweaters, mittens and hats are "in demand" patterns for your dog. Knitting is a very popular method used to make dog apparel. Knitted dog clothes patterns very often come in inspiring styles, and hand-knitted doggie shirts, mufflers, suits, t-shirts, tanks and body suits are in special demand. Other dog clothes patterns include embroidered and quilted specimens. Handcrafted, embroidered items are popular but very inexpensive.

Dog Clothes Patterns

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Dog Diarrhea

Diarrhea can, and chances are will come to every dog you ever have in your lifetime and is a very common type of illness to have but in most cases is nothing serious and is not a cause to worry. Lots of things can cause diarrhea in your dog and although on most cases the vet need not be contacted if it persists or becomes uncontrollable by your dog then it may need a better examination and diagnosis to prescribe the correct medicine.

Diarrhea is more common in puppies due to their immune system not being as strong as a dog's immune system yet but diarrhea in dogs is also very common. Situations which cause diarrhea can be anything from a change in surroundings, worms, or conccidia, to a virus or pest they has caught. A change in diet or food may have triggered the illness and it should be looked into to stop it happening again, dogs are very vulnerable to changes and it can affect them in many ways. Being over excited or having stressful days along with other emotional changes may bring this problem.

Dog Collars

It is always important to look after them well while they are suffering this illness, puppies and dogs will get dehydrated in these times and you need to make sure they have enough fluids to stop further illness. While your dog has diarrhea they become weaker due to low body weight and not getting sufficient vitamins so their immune systems lower making it easier to catch other viruses and illnesses.

Keep a close eye on your dog when they have diarrhea and if you have fears of it being anything but a common diarrhea cause then seek a vet or professional for advice. There are plenty of advice leaflets and informational sheets around in pet shops and dog care specialist places, as long as you are aware of your dog's problem and are aware of these facts you should be in good shape.

Dog Diarrhea

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Invisible Fence® Brand MicroLite™ Computer Collar®

Invisible Fence® Brand MicroLite™ Computer Collar® Video Clips. Duration : 1.45 Mins.

Invisible Fence® Brand introduces the newest, smallest, most technologically advanced containment collar ever. The MicroLite™ Computer Collar® is smart, sophisticated, stylish and really small too!

Tags: invisible fence, microlite, dog collar, pet containment

Friends Link : งานเชียงใหม่ Pattaya Hotels Hotel in Thai 32 Inch TV

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hot Deals PetSafe Deluxe Big Dog Bark Control Collar

PetSafe Deluxe Big Dog Bark Control Collar
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7_20_10JavaPlayingWPuppy0.wmv Video Clips. Duration : 0.83 Mins.

After a few months of working with a muzzle and a prong collar on Java, a 2 1/2 year old Doberman Pinscher, he is building back his trust he lost with other dogs at a bad kennel experience once. He's really a very playful dog that just needed the right kind of pack rules put in place when he's around other dogs. With a lot of corrections and forcing him to overcome his fears of other dogs, he is now happily playing with another dog (a puppy) for the second time in over a year.

Tags: Java, Doberman Pinscher, All About The Pack

My Links : PayDay loans เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา Pattaya Hotels 32 Inch TV

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dog Skin Problems - My Dog Can't Stop Itching!

We often hear of dogs with a chronic and insistent itching problem. And guess what? The problem can't always be prevented by a flea collar. There are a number of reasons why your dog might non-stop scratch and require some form of pet medication. Below I will list and try to explain 6 reasons why your dog might scratch himself.

1. Environmental Skin Disorders - Dogs with environmental skin problems are otherwise healthy, but present with signs of itchy skin and/or hair loss. By matching what is visible on the dog's skin with a probable environmental irritant - the cause of the skin problem can be determined and corrective measures taken. Contact with some plastics can create an environmental pet skin disorder.

Dog Collars

2. Nutritional Skin Disorders - Correction of these cases of itchy dog should be a very simple and no pet medication is required. Unfortunately, many dogs and cats live their entire lives in less than optimum health because their caretaker feeds them the least expensive food in the grocery store and feels secure in doing so because of that "Complete and Balanced" statement on the packaging! Without proper nourishment this dog's entire body, not just its skin and coat, will be continuously under stress.

3. Parasitic Skin Disorders - Pet owners most commonly associate dog scratching with fleas. Often, but not always, this guess is correct.

There are a number of highly effective and safe flea medications and natural flea remedies. Repeated exposure to fleas can trigger a hypersensitivity to the bite of even a single flea. In some cases a simple flea bite can turn into an allergy itch from the flea's saliva. It is very important to get rid of dog and cat fleas as soon as possible. Cheyletiella mites are often called "Walking Dandruff" because upon close inspection it seems like little flakes of dry skin are actually moving about. These mites can be eliminated easily by using any common flea shampoo and no further pet medication is needed. Sarcoptic mites can be a terrible problem and can only be solved under vet care and with pet medication. Also called scabies or red mange, they create very intense itchy skin, hair loss, and inflamed skin with multiple small scabs. Sarcoptic mite infestation, more than any other pest, is frequently misdiagnosed as Allergic Pet Skin Disorder. There are also Demodex mites (mange). These parasites live just under the skin surface in the tiny hair follicles and oil glands of the dog's skin. Demodex mites can be seen on a skin scraping viewed under the microscope. Demodex is most commonly seen in young dogs. An older dog with these mites might have a differnt and more serious problem

4. Infectious Skin Disorders - Bacterial, fungal and yeast organisms can lead to awful skin and coat problems. Ringworm is an example of a Fungal organism. Yeasts can irritate an already diseased skin surface. Yeast infections typically create greasy, smelly and itchy signs in affected dogs. If a yeast infection is diagnosed, there's generally some other problem going. Bacterial problems rarely occur spontaneously on a dog with normal healthy skin.

Infectious pet skin disorders are often is so irritating that dogs will lick continuously at a spot and undo any healing that has taken place. These spots can spread rapidly to other areas of the skin through chewing, licking, biting and scratching of previously healthy areas.

The treatment for Infectious skin disorders often include clipping the hair from the area to allow the air to dry it. The application of topical pet cream is helpful as is the administration of oral antibiotics.

5. Allergic Skin Disorders - These can be a challenge to diagnose, and once identified they can be difficult to treat. Food ingredients, synthetic and natural fibers, medications and pharmaceutical products, plant material and even dust all can trigger an Allergic Pet Skin Disorder.

Even common bacteria on the dog's skin can provoke an allergic reaction to themselves! Food allergies are so common that pet food manufacturers have invested millions of dollars in research for diets to help dogs and cats with food allergies.

The treatments of allergic skin disorders include topical medicated soothing baths and ointments. The use of oral antihistamines can relieve some of the itch. More effective in alleviating the discomfort of allergies is cortisone.

6. Neurogenic Skin Disorders - This group presents a major challenge to diagnose and treat. Although rarely seen in cats, in the dog something creates an impulse to lick at a specific area of skin. Characterized by persistent, obsessive licking and chewing at a specific area, the cause of these problems is unknown. Most cases have a suspected cause such as boredom, confinement, separation anxiety, family disruption, new environment, frustration or even a minor physical origin such as a tiny wound that catches the dog's interest. No specific pet medication can be used to prevent this skin disorder.

In summary, keep in mind that any dog whose skin and coat are not in good condition needs vet attention and possibly pet medication because that dog likely does not feel very well.

If your dog is suffering from Chronic Itching, all is not hopeless, but you must consult your vet as soon as possible.

I hope you found this information on pet skin disorders helpful. This article was condensed from a much longer article which can be found on the website at: dog skin problems

Dog Skin Problems - My Dog Can't Stop Itching!

Thanks To : Hotel in Thai เสื้อผ้า มือ สอง ราคา 32 Inch TV

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Part 4 - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Chs 16-18)

Part 4 - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Chs 16-18) Tube. Duration : 124.52 Mins.

Part 4. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by John Greenman. Playlist for Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe:

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