Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dog Training Tips : Pet Training Supplies

Dog Training Tips : Pet Training Supplies Tube. Duration : 1.83 Mins.

Common pet training supplies include a nylon slip chain, a prompt collar and electronic collars. Discover why there are fewer corrections involved when using prompt collars withhelp from a certified professional dog trainer in this free video on pet training supplies. Expert: Zephyr Clarke-Dolberg Contact: Bio: Zephyr Clarke-Dolberg is a certified professional dog trainer in Miami, Fla. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Tags: dog, training, puppy, dogs, puppies, crate, potty, health, pet, care

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Short Haired Dog Breeds - Oh the Advantages!

Short-haired dog breeds have many advantages over long-haired breeds. One of these is that short-haired dog breeds do not shed as much hair. While a shaggier coat makes a dog look fluffier and aesthetically more pleasing, it should be remembered that more hair means more time spent on bathing and grooming. Short-hairs are also good because pests can not hide on them very well, so they are better from a hygienic point of view.

Here are some grooming tips for short-haired dog breeds.

Dog Collars

- Brush your dog regularly, preferably at least once a day. Make sure to brush against the hair growth direction to monitor for pests.

- Stainless steel combs are best for short-haired dogs. Slicker brushes are better for medium to long-haired dogs. Use a flea comb during the summer days to make certain your dog has not attracted those parasites. A bristle brush can be a final touch for adding gloss to the dog's coat.

- In case you dog has a tendency to avoid being brushed because of dislike for the process, it might be a good idea to try brushing immediately after play time. Start gently by brushing in the hair growth direction. Remember that successful training means frequent rewards. Give your dog a treat after the first brushing is complete. Increase the length of the brushing sessions little by little to allow the dog to get used to it.

- Brushing is also important before giving your dog a bath. Wet matted hair is only going to create problems later on, so make sure there is no matted hair before proceeding with the bath. Water and good shampoo in a sink works great for small dogs. Note that shampoos used by humans are not good for dogs and can cause irritation that might require medication. Start with the tail and wash the head the last. No one likes soap in his or her eyes.

- Rinse as many times as required to make sure that all residual shampoo has been rinsed out of the dog's coat.

- Short-haired dog breeds will naturally dry of faster. Usually a gentle towel rub is all that they need. Longer haired dogs need more attention and you should consider brushing the hair while it is drying to avoid tangles.

- If your dog tends to dislike baths then remember to reward it with a treat after each bathing session.

Short Haired Dog Breeds - Oh the Advantages!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dog Labor Symptoms - 5 Ways to Know When Your Dog Will Give Birth

When you dog gives birth it can be a wonderful time, but there are also lots of worries that go with it. Many people find that one of the worst parts of a dog giving birth is unless you know what to look for, the owner has no idea when the birth will happen. In this article there are five clear ways to know when your dog will give birth.

Your dog may exhibit some or all of the following sings when in labor. Often there is a ten-fifteen minute gap between puppies being born.

Dog Collars

Temperature drop Your dogs temperature may drop to around 97-98 degrees approximately, around 24 hours before giving birth. This is normal, and a good sign that your dog is going into labor so you can get prepared early! If your dog does not begin labor within a day of the temperature drop, you should contact your local vet. You can check your dogs temperature using a dog thermometer. Your dog refuses to eat Most bitches will refuse to eat before they go into labor, which obviously isn't normal for dogs. This can be another good early warning sign. Finding a den A natural reaction of most female dogs is to try and find a den or hideaway where they can give birth. A very common place is under your bed, as the dog feels safe and enclosed there. If possible, find a comfortable place beforehand where the birth can take place. Shivering and sickness Another dog labor symptom is when the dog begins to shiver and even vomit. This is completely normal, and the best thing you can do is make sure there is fresh water available at all times. Wanting you near The dog is likely to stare at you and want you near to her at all times. Like number three, this is a comfort thing.

Finally, go by your gut instinct! If your dog is acting strangely or differently, it is probably trying to tell you something.

Remember that dog pregnancies are quite short, only around 63 days, so make sure you are prepared in dog time. These are just some of the dog labor symptoms, and although common, it is not unheard of for labor to start almost unannounced.

Dog Labor Symptoms - 5 Ways to Know When Your Dog Will Give Birth

Thanks To : หางานเชียงใหม่ ลงโฆษณาฟรี 32 Inch TV

Monday, May 28, 2012

Training Your Gundog for Force Fetching - Transition With Collar (visit )

Training Your Gundog for Force Fetching - Transition With Collar (visit ) Tube. Duration : 5.30 Mins. - Visit Gundog Trainer to get this FREE Video - Force Fetching (Transition With Collar) This 15 Minute Trainer Video entitled Force Fetching (Transition With Collar) was produced to teach you how to make the transition from the table and the ear pinch to the ground and the collar. In this video Tom Waite, Professional Gundog Trainer shows and teaches you how to work through the problems that may occur during this process. Following the process through the video ensures control during retrieving drills or the real deal. The 15 Minute Trainer Video process teaches the dog to understand that the force fetch is not only a hands on approach, but something that can be corrected at a distance. Once this process is completed, your dog's desire to retrieve and please you grows dramatically, making a close knit dog and handler team. This is Video 5, the Bonus Video of Basic Gundog Training from The 15-Minute Trainer Series with Professional Gundog Trainer, Tom Waite. Tom Waite is a respected teacher, trainer and Gundog breeder. Tom is also an AKC licensed Judge as well as a judge for AFTCA field trials. Tom has conducted training seminars for many clubs in the United States and Europe, as well as at various fairs and industry shows. His dogs have been featured in many national and local magazines and newspapers including the Wisconsin Outdoor Journal, Gundog Magazine, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and Midwest Outdoors. Tom graduated from the University of ...

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Dog Has Diarrhea and Is Vomiting - What Happened

Diarrhea and vomiting are common occurrences among pooches. However, a single episode of diarrhea or vomiting isn't something to be overly concerned about. You usually discover that your hungry hound has just wolfed down something that he shouldn't have eaten and now he's paying the price by regurgitating. Diarrhea occurs when your dog's body attempts to process the food quickly just to be rid of it.

However, you do need to be concerned when these symptoms persist for more than a day. Diarrhea and vomiting could be signs or symptoms of an underlying illness or worms. Your dog could have ingested toxic food such as rodent bait, resulting in food poisoning.

Dog Collars

You will need to check your dog for any signs that his physical condition has changed. A good place to start would be checking to see if his eyes are still bright and alert. Verify that your dog isn't listless or running a temperature, as veterinary attention should be given in these cases. Do take some time to observe what your dog has vomited or defecated to check for unusual materials and odd color. If your dog shows signs of discomfort and strains himself as he defecates, check to see if the stools contain traces of blood or appears to be full of mucus, as these would need a vet's advice.

Your dog might still appear perky, but it is unusual for symptoms to persist beyond a day, so do get your vet to check him over to see what's ailing the dog. This would also help prevent the symptoms from worsening. If it is simply something he shouldn't have eaten then the vet can prescribe some medication to help stop the diarrhea and vomiting. You will also be advised on your dog's water and food intake to compensate for the loss of mineral salts and possible loss of hydration in your dog. Dietary restrictions on your dog are usually implemented for the next two or three days. Food that is low in fat and easily digestible is usually advised to avoid undue pressure put on a already weakened digestive system.

On the other hand, if your dog is plagued by worms or other internal parasites, your vet will prescribe treatment to expel them and set up a treatment routine to help to prevent their recurrence. Dogs tend to love to explore and can pick up these parasites from other dogs' or from other dogs' fecal matter. Another possible reason for diarrhea or vomiting could be due to an allergic reaction. The vet would also be able to determine if your dog developed an allergy to something he's eaten or come into contact with, resulting in an adverse violent reaction.

Should your dog be suffering from a serious ailment; investigation, treatment and good nursing care will be necessary. If your dog is very weak due to repeated purging, he will be placed in overnight care at the surgery for intravenous therapy to maintain hydration. Tests will be conducted to establish whether your dog is harboring viruses or bacteria that may affect his liver or his digestive system.

The longer your dog suffers, the greater the possibility there will be for the situation to worsen. When in doubt, always get veterinary advice as soon as possible.

My Dog Has Diarrhea and Is Vomiting - What Happened

Thanks To : ลงประกาศฟรี งานเชียงใหม่ 32 Inch TV

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cheap Dogtra 1 Mile Training Collar-3 Dog

Dogtra 1 Mile Training Collar-3 Dog

Dogtra 1 Mile Training Collar-3 Dog Specification

  • 8 level selector style stimulation control, 1 mile range,
  • Fully waterproof collar/receiver and transmitter
  • Rechargeable Ni-MH batteries,
List Price : $539.99
Our Price : $531.66
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Usually ships in 24 hours

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Dog Worms: Understand Dog Worms Symptoms and Infestation

Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own.

The principal worm species with which dog owners have to contend are round worms and tape worms. The first named commonly infest puppies and consequently are most dreaded by breeders. In shape and size these worms resemble common angle worms, but in color are lighter, being almost white or only a pale pink.

Dog Collars

In adult dogs these worms, when full grown, are from three to seven inches long. In puppies they are about half that length, and as thick as common white string. Round worms live in the small intestines, sometimes coiled in such masses as to obstruct the passage, and occasionally they wander into the stomach or are passed by the bowels.

It is easy to understand that when one dog in a kennel is infected with worms, millions of eggs will be passed with the feces. These are scattered all over the floors, bedding, feeding and drinking pans. They get on the dog's coat, are licked off and swallowed and in numbers of ways gain entrance to the digestive tracts of other dogs, where they soon hatch out and in ten days are fully developed.

This rapid development account for the popular belief that puppies are born with worms, for breeders who have held post-mortems on puppies scarcely ten days old and have found in their stomachs fully developed round worms could account for their presence in no other way. They overlooked the fact that the prospective mother, confined in a kennel infested with worms, would get these eggs attached to her coat, belly and breasts, and the young, as soon as born, would take these eggs into their stomachs with the first mouthfuls of milk.

Symptoms Of Dog Worms Attack

Dog worms are responsible for so much sickness and so many symptoms that it is practically impossible to mention all of them, but their presence can safely be suspected in all dogs which have not been recently treated for them, as well as in cases where the patient is run down, unthrifty and out of sorts.

Other symptoms are a hot, dry nose, weak, watery eyes, pale lips and gums, foul breath, mean hacking cough and a red, scurfy, pimply or irritated condition of the skin and harsh, dry, staring coat that is constantly being shed.

Wormy dogs sometimes have a depraved appetite and will eat dirt and rubbish. Some days they are ravenously hungry, the next day they will not eat at all; their sleep is disturbed by dreams and intestinal rumbling, the urine is high colored and frequently passed, bowels irregular, stomach easily unsettled, watery mucus is frequently vomited and the mouth is hot, sticky and full of ropy saliva.

Puppies which are full of worms bloat easily and are pot-bellied. After feeding their stomachs distend disproportionately to the amount of food consumed. Their bodies are also subject to scaly eruptions and their bowels to colicky pains; they do not grow as rapidly as healthy puppies should and instead of playing with each other they curl up and sleep hour after hour; they get thinner, weaker and more lifeless from day to day and if they do not waste away or die in fits and convulsions with frothing at the mouth and champing of the jaws, grow up coarse-jointed, rickety and misshapen. Puppies with worms are also liable to paralysis of their rear limbs and on removal of the worms the puppies regain control of the affected parts.

A wormy dog is usually an unhealthy and unhappy dog who leads a miserable life. It could even be deadly, especially so for young puppies. Bring your dog to a veterinarian if you are unsure. Your dog will certainly thank you for that.

Dog Worms: Understand Dog Worms Symptoms and Infestation

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grown Man wears Shock Collar!!!!

Grown Man wears Shock Collar!!!! Tube. Duration : 1.22 Mins.

Bark Collar

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) - Brian D. Rudin, MD

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) - Brian D. Rudin, MD Video Clips. Duration : 4.42 Mins.

Standard Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) performed and edited by Brian D. Rudin, MD

Tags: Rudin, ACDF, Venturaspine, neck, surgery

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dog Training Secrets

Dog Training Secrets Tube. Duration : 0.65 Mins. With this secrets i trained my dog to be behave! Usually, when dogs are purebred breeds, their own health problems could be passed on from one generation to another. And when this is actually the situation, you have to prevent this by going to your vet numerously and make certain that the dog will get physical exercise even if in training to ensure that they're healthy and also to maintain how much they weigh. Consistency may be the major answer to training your dog. Repetitive training trained regularly with consistent rewards are essential towards the effective canine training. Don't let your pet ignore you usually enforce confirmed command and don't say anything that you're not ready to enforce. Training isn't about giving instructions and pushing your dog to operate hard rather than likes existence, it is extremely the alternative. Actually, training is really a program which involves both dog and also the owner and shows these to effectively contact one another. You should keep in mind that training is really a continuous process. Often a video is the easiest method to learn and train your pet some thing correctly. Respect breeding begins first having a chair and comes training. Some dogs have some herding canine training bread into them. This will make working out process simpler however it still requires effort and time. Research on herding breed of dogs goes a lengthy ways. After you have found a great pup you can start to ...

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cheap Tri-Tronics Upland G3 Beeper

Tri-Tronics Upland G3 Beeper

Tri-Tronics Upland G3 Beeper Specification

  • Increased audible range
  • Instant locate
  • Remote operation
List Price : $132.00
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Monday, May 7, 2012

Cheap Perimeter® Wire - Free Wifi Dog Fence

Perimeter® Wire - Free Wifi Dog Fence

Perimeter® Wire - Free Wifi Dog Fence Features

  • Transmitter Size: 5" x 5" x 3"
  • Coverage Area: 2.5 Acres
  • Superior 2.4 GHz WiFi Signal Technology provides three times the coverage area of other wireless sys
  • 802.15 latest wireless technology
  • Soft rubber Comfort Contacts®
List Price : $350.00
Our Price : $329.95
You Save : 6%

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Aggressive dog training and aggression rehab tips (

Aggressive dog training and aggression rehab tips ( Video Clips. Duration : 10.00 Mins.

Aggression rehab dog training video for aggressive dogs should only be done by a qualified dog trainer. Dog Training video shot in new york ( NY ). Food aggression, dog agression, people agressive dogs, leash aggresion dog training, aggressiveness toward the dog handler, and all other dog problems that cause real dog bites. Aggressive rehab dog training with the "east coast" dog whisperer Mike D'Abruzzo at k9-1 Specialized Dog Training in New York. All dog training by the dog trainers are done with knowledge, respect, and patience. If you would like to learn more about Michael D'Abruzzo's training techniques go to Thank you for watching my dog training videos.

Tags: aggressive, aggression, dog, training, trainer, bite, food, agressive, aggresive, agression, aggresion, rehabilitation, whisperer

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hot Deals Dogtra Hunter 2 Dog Training Collar Platinum System

Dogtra Hunter 2 Dog Training Collar Platinum System

Dogtra Hunter 2 Dog Training Collar Platinum System Features

  • Precise stimulation level (0-27), 1/2 mile range
  • 'Nick", "Constant" and non-stimulating pager/vibration,
  • Reduced receiver/collar designed for smaller dogs,
  • Fully waterproof collar/receiver and transmitter,
  • LCD screen displays exact level of stimulation even in dark or low light conditions, Three bar battery life indicator
List Price : $334.99
Our Price : $288.49
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Usually ships in 24 hours

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Remote Trainer Review - Innotek ADV-300

Remote Trainer Review - Innotek ADV-300 Video Clips. Duration : 5.47 Mins. Remote trainer review of the Innotek ADV-300. With a range of 250m, the ADV-300 remote trainer is one of the best value for money trainers for a medium range remote. The collar is rechargeable and waterproof, and also has a tone only option. With 7 static correction levels, you also have a boost and a momentary option. For what you get, these remote trainers are great for use not only around your home, but also out at the local small park.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tom Demonstrates the advantage of a Prong Collar

Tom Demonstrates the advantage of a Prong Collar Video Clips. Duration : 1.95 Mins.

Adam shows how the proper use of a prong collar can bring immediate positive changes in your dog's obedience.

Tags: Prong, Collar

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PDBC300 Deluxe Bark Control Collar

PDBC300 Deluxe Bark Control Collar Tube. Duration : 1.17 Mins.

PDBC300 Deluxe Bark Control Collar is activated by both vibration and microphone to ensure you control your dog's nuisance barking. Safe, effective and humane offering you a choice of 3 correction modes to suit your dog's temperament.

Keywords: PDBC300, Deluxe, Bark, Control, Collar

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