Recently, dog training videos to show more useful, as the owners of dogs collar of their dog, without fear of damaging your dog or just to keep both.
A number of dog bites are about as a result of the "neck-grabbing" to come. This tomb collar bites usually happens when the owner suddenly attacks after their dog's collar or neck regions, sometimes with no intention of dog training by the dog owners.
Dog Collars
What happens then is that the dogis to associate the collar with the place of pain or discomfort.
This association can change the dog on the defensive when you try to keep them in the neck. Some dogs do not bite, but instead, defensive techniques such as playing "catch me".
It 'best to start training the neck while the dog is a puppy. You do everything you can not leave your dog or puppy establish a negative relationship in the spirit caught him with a collar.
Instead of tryingreassure your dog when reaching for it's collar with positive reinforcement.
1. Collar grab training should not be solely associated with the end of a play session. Do not fall into the pattern of only reaching for your pup's collar at the end of play time. This pattern will create an impression in your dog's mind that collar grabbing is bad and unwelcome because it always signals the end of play time.
What you should do instead is interrupt play time with collar grabbing every now and then and mix it up with some obedience training exercises like "sit" and "stand". Be sure to reward your dog generously at the end of each session.
This will create a positive connection in your dog's mind that says there is a reward associated with collar grab. Your frequent collar grabs during play time will now no longer signal end of play time but rather, time for refreshments or a quick timeout.
2. Collar grab training should not be associated with confinement. Animals by nature do not like to be confined. If you grab your puppy by the collar and lead or drag her to confinement, naturally she will come to associate the negative results of being confined to collar grab.
To create a positive atmosphere, associate confinement with something positive. An idea would be to throw some kibble or favorite chew toys into the confinement area. In no time at all, your pup will be happy to follow instructions to go to it's room or dog house.
3. Most of all, do not ever allow your dogs to associate collar grabbing as being a prelude to punishment and reprimand. Don't call your dog over only to scold her and grab her by the collar.
This will almost invariably result in your dog never wanting to come to you. The result is that your pup will grow into a dog that hates being collar grabbed and when she senses an attempt to grab her by the collar, she becomes evasive and offensive and might even resort to snarling and biting.
Following a good dog training video or program will help you prevent this from happening.
Dog Training - How to Collar Grab Your Dog Without Getting BittenMy Links : หางานเชียงใหม่ 32 Inch TV
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